Registration is now OPEN for the 2025 Spring Shoot!
Registration is now OPEN for the 2025 Spring Shoot!
RIO (Remnant International Outreach) Ministries, although a present day organization, has roots in a concept that has been present
with God since the beginning.
The concept of a Remnant is first found in the Word of God and has always been in God's heart. Throughout history, we can see that God always accomplishes His higher purpose through a remnant, a small group of people that are willing to obey and move forward to do whatever it takes to follow God's will. The remnant was present in Nehemiah's time and in only 52 days the walls of Jerusalem were restored. The remnant was present in Elijah's time, in the darkest hour of Israel, when the Lord reserved for himself 7,000 people who had never compromised their faith or their worship. The list goes on and in every generation we can see the remnant.
Fast forward to the present day. It is so exciting to know that God's story is still being written. In the early part of 2012, a group of men united for the love of Christ embraced the vision of RIO that God had laid heavily on the heart of Pastor Gonzalo Guardiola. At that time, God's favor and divine providence brought people with different gifts and talents, but all of them with only one heart and desire. RIO became an official 501c3 organization and was dedicated to the Lord in a remarkable, beautiful dedication service in June of 2012 in Georgia.
Today, in the past decade, RIO has ministered in Peru, Nicaragua, and Mexico. The Lord has brought many individuals who have participated and experienced the blessing in the mission field through RIO. Each one of them has become a vital part of this great call and we feel so blessed to call them friends.
The essence of our mission is based on relationship. It has been amazing to see the Kingdom expansion and the restoration taking place wherever we put our feet.
We offer deep gratitude to all who have joined us in this first chapter of the story that is being written. We hope and pray that you would join us on the adventure that God has for us!